I'm hiding in the work toilets. I'm in dispair as i'm trying to clear a load of work from when i was on holiday (which of course nobody else thought prudent to deal with) while more and more is added on, my support stats are fucked as i've had outstanding priorty 0 (the highest priority) tickets sat in my account while i was away and i'm generally starting to get wound up over the fact i get here an hour early and usually get held back another hour while taking a 10 minute lunch. It's like whatever.
Charlie is on a shit mission, he's let out all day and then he doesn't need to poo. Then the second you close the door he's shat everywhere. Also, i'm aware of the inherent problem with this particular excrement, how ever Charlie is around 14 years old and on his way out, this time for real not like the past 2 years.
I normally shop in classy establishments like Sainsbury's, Tesco, ALDI & LIDL. But this was the first time in ages i've gone in to a Somerfield. It was the most chav place on earth. Nothing but processed crap and crisps on sale. Mind, there was a carrot or two there. Less amusingly of course was the teen mums with about 3-4 kids each, it was hard to tell as they were running around screaming "AEROPLANES FIFTY PEE." I assume this is some kind of sexual act that a paedophile would be interested in (i assume this as they'll need the benefits shortfall to be covered by pimping their children for some more liz duke). Anyways, i go to pay for my shit and offer up the Somerfield saver card key fob to get some kind of points for having to shop there, gracefully the till girl says "what is dat innit?" thankfully (or rather unfortunately for humanity) the girl on packing carrier bags says to the slag on the till "that was the saver card" and turns to me and finishes saying "we stopped using those a while ago so you might as well bin it". That made my trip better knowing there was somebody in that place with manners, decency and aspirations other than being a baby machine.
As is the tradition of bingo bling, i must update this on my mobile or i violate my own sacred laws. This morning some knob unleashed a spam bot upon my precious blog. This is most annoying as the captcha should have prevented this. But spam monkeys aren't very clever and employ sex slave children to sex up in their la mansions and foil the captcha. So i've had to violate one of my precious laws of internet freedom to stop them. I've had to moderate comments. I don't like this at all, it's not what the internet is about and it shouldn't have to be like this to stop these pathetic losers from selling their shit on people's personal spaces. So again fuck you spam cunts may your brains become my new wallpaper.
My life to aol pictures. How bizarre. But i need to make space on my phone for more photos (i've got the sony ericsson k800i video phone - link to specs on my blog) so i'll put my faith in them. Speaking of aol, i've received an email from them about the sell off of aol europe. I'm told there is nothing to worry about.
I am the most famous of all lesbians to sail the high seas in my ship "The Titty Pincher". In 1845 I was caught be HRH Queen Victoria trying to feel the supple breasts of her servants. Foild was I. So now I sit here in the Tower of London rotting away as a data entry clerk for the Inland Revnue. OH IRONY HOW I HATE THEE!