31 October, 2006

So much for being brave.

Three year old german shepherd scared of fireworks. Where is the logic?


And smash.

20 October, 2006

Mindless consumerism

I've sold out to the man, man!

15 October, 2006

The photo.

This photo got me told off by a bull dyke. Laughs ahoy!

Saw you.

I saw this lady slide in, it would have been a good yet random photo if i didn't move the camera for a second longer.


I didn't notice the chap in the middle until this morning.

There be humour ahead.

In the hopeless wanker there is a sign that says eat food. Tom decided to comment on it so he had to poke the food instead. But you'd be able to see that if i could take photos properly.

Out of all the photos

Of me this one is probably the best. The others look Shit.

14 October, 2006

Eat? No!

Thanks to my lack of alcoholic ability i failed to take this correctly it didn't work out sorry.

Speed racer.

Come laugh at the hardcore paint job and the pure power.

07 October, 2006


I'm a part of the Joey Deacon massive.



You aren't allowed here.

Flee feeble human.


Another chav creation. As usual it looks Shit.

About me

  • I'm Kevin
  • From Melksham, Wiltshire, United Kingdom
  • I am the most famous of all lesbians to sail the high seas in my ship "The Titty Pincher". In 1845 I was caught be HRH Queen Victoria trying to feel the supple breasts of her servants. Foild was I. So now I sit here in the Tower of London rotting away as a data entry clerk for the Inland Revnue. OH IRONY HOW I HATE THEE!
My profile





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